# Mostly used fields 9h15m, -19d30'. WCS info in first images missing. Filters # g_SDSS, i_SDSS (only a few). OBS086 1-4: First images: attempts to achieve focus. Target 9h15m, -19d:30a' 5-8: Made PSF_anisotropy for these. Same field. 9-13: Attemps to determine alignment of N-S. Rotator needed offset of 6deg. to align. 12-13: used by Koen to confirm rotator offset was correct. Quite so. -------- Restart of Instrument software (activate communication with TCS, so -------- WCS info now available. OBS086 1-2: Ra, Dec, airmass info now in header (numbering restarts) BIAS086 1-3: normal biases FOCUS086 2: Opague filter (oops) 3: Andrea added telescope offset to indicate exposure. Apparently leads to strange artifacts. 4: Telescope software displays strange M2 positions during focus sequence. Turns out a TCS wait command appears to return success before M2 finished movement. 5: Around this time Andrea introduced a forced sleep of 1 sec. after M2 movement6: Sleep increased to 3 sec. .... 10: Tried to get better focus through finer M2 steps. --- In general focussing was somewhat hard because the guide probe and detector are apparently far apart OBS086 3: SA107 rotator "0deg" 4: SA107 rotator "180deg" 5-6: defocussed field? 7-14: 8 point jitter 15-19: 5 point dither 20: Longer (120s) exposures to check ghosts. 21: Longer (120s) exposures to check ghosts. In #20: CCD95 and CCD96 crosstalk 22-26: Jitters