[Issues] global astrometry problem

Johannes Koppenhoefer koppenh at usm.uni-muenchen.de
Fri Dec 15 13:03:53 CET 2006

Hi all,

I am currently having problems while running GAstromTask on the dpu:

In some cases (unfortunately I cannot tell in which exactly) a SourceList 'ldac.cat' with name 'USNO-A2.0' is created and stored on the data server.
After running several GAstrom jobs this has happened multiple times and a number of SourceLists with identical names and identical filenames have been created, commited and stored.

After a while, running another GAstrom on the dpu I get an error: "GAstromTask ERROR: Multiple Catalogues with identical names!"
Obviously caused by the previously created SourceLists 'ldac.cat' with all of them having the same name 'USNO-A2.0'.

The get_logs() output is the following:

[apus] 11:53:00 - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[apus] 11:53:00 - job returned could not be unpickled!
[apus] 11:53:00 - ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[apus] 11:53:00 - Starting GAstromTask
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Querying database for instances of class ReducedScienceFrame...
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.6701261-27a11652ca9d50bd4144ecc425fcea0911aa85a8.fits.slist, SLID =  2513, number of sources =  5149
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.6097162-4ef04fcb7fc85d89a4f48f5c5275610ae386696c.fits.slist, SLID =  2376, number of sources =  4470
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.5281988-a1c10fe250033125c9e249e2d156617d0ecec056.fits.slist, SLID =  2397, number of sources =  4752
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.5593435-1135be0f889d2552a903769d8b10dd55a8dd9f76.fits.slist, SLID =  2418, number of sources =  4640
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.6653329-7b9af92f7d381546032d78a8fe65f98565bdb680.fits.slist, SLID =  2437, number of sources =  4687
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.5302463-50afeb344cd67fe486fc733a59ab563bb8576d6a.fits.slist, SLID =  2454, number of sources =  4529
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.6643428-aef799dd1c675b9edfa0449022e28cc73d7373a1.fits.slist, SLID =  2473, number of sources =  4554
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.5767374-2ed594c36b23ce320de87cd60eb7340678b6e6d4.fits.slist, SLID =  2476, number of sources =  4385
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.5048954-61e0be050680de959ecc62980be6af456a28a6c7.fits.slist, SLID =  2493, number of sources =  4267
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.5614838-5a1e24c5acbbbdd4a76652847e96f6374a670ca0.fits.slist, SLID =  2384, number of sources =  4382
[apus] 11:53:00 - [ocam-n01] 11:51:42 - Using SourceList GAS-Sci-JKOPPENH-WFI-------#844-ccd54-Red---Sci-54068.6605039-30cadbf04667afc9eb86009dccabac9ad1fdeb6f.fits.slist, SLID =  2396, number of sources =  4031
[apus] 11:53:00 - Error executing 'execute'
[apus] 11:53:00 - Exception:  Multiple Catalogues with identical names!
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/usr/local/opt/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/net/dpu_runner.py", line 174, in main
[apus] 11:53:00 -     job.execute()
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/home/apus/koppenh/opipe/DBRecipes/GAstrom.py", line 139, in execute
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/home/apus/koppenh/opipe/DBRecipes/GAstrom.py", line 176, in make_global_astrometric_solution
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/home/apus/koppenh/opipe/astro/main/GAstrometric.py", line 549, in make
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/home/apus/koppenh/opipe/astro/main/GAstrometric.py", line 174, in make_associate
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/home/apus/koppenh/opipe/astro/main/SourceList.py", line 1819, in ImportSourceList
[apus] 11:53:00 - Error pickling job
[apus] 11:53:00 - Exception:  can't pickle function objects
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/usr/local/opt/astrowise/opipe/current/astro/net/dpu_runner.py", line 191, in main
[apus] 11:53:00 -     pjob = pickle.dumps(job)
[apus] 11:53:00 -   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/copy_reg.py", line 69, in _reduce_ex
[apus] 11:53:00 -     raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % base.__name__
[apus] 11:53:00 -


P.S.: I used the latest CVS version from this morning.
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