[Issues] inconsistency in anoncvs

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Fri Nov 3 10:25:41 CET 2006

My guess is it was all due to a sticky tag. An update like "cvs -q 
update -dA"  (A option) removes those.


Oliver-Mark Cordes wrote:
> Hi!
> I checked a new checout of opipe and everything seems to be OK so far. 
> But, the update command still did not work. If I delete the local file 
> Catalog.py and do a update I get the 1.55 version which is definetly 
> the wrong version. Interesting for me is that I changed 
> opipe/astro/local/Environment.cfg in the cvs tree and this update 
> worked!!
> Are there some problems with the CVS server? Can you check the logs 
> ... I think doing a CVS update is quite better than a checkout every 
> time ...
>  Oliver

Drs. Ewout Helmich             <><>
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute <><> Astro-Wise/OmegaCEN
Landleven 12                   <><>
P.O.Box 800                    <><> email: helmich at astro.rug.nl
9700 AV Groningen              <><> tel  : +31(0)503634548
The Netherlands                <><>

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