[Issues] Photcat task and PhotTransformation on the dpu...]

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Wed Apr 25 12:26:25 CEST 2007


I've added "transform" or "tr" for short to the list of parameters of 
the dpu. As you also noted, I think that if anything the "kappa" 
parameter should be removed from the Task since we now have the "pars" 
dictionary to set any of the process parameters.


Hans Vaith wrote:
> Dear All,
> the Photcat task allows to specify a "transform=1" flag when executing it 
> locally, in order to specify the use of a PhotTransformation object. 
> However, when trying to pass the task to the dpu:
> dpu.run('Photcat', i='WFI', raw_filenames=..., transform=1) )
> one gets an error saying that 'transform' is not among the allowed parameters.
> The same is true for the parameter kappa (although in that case there is a 
> corresponding process parameter MAX_MAG_DIFF, and one can thus use the pars 
> dictionary to set this parameter in the dpu call).
> Hans
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