[Issues] Standard Star Catalog

Gijs Verdoes Kleijn verdoes at astro.rug.nl
Sun Jun 3 10:54:28 CEST 2007

Dear Roberto,

Thank you for your suggestion.
Adding Stetson and Sloan photometry for more common standard fields to 
the AWE standard star catalog is indeed planned for in the coming month. 
I will contact you for further details if needed. And I will send around 
a release note when the additions has been completed.

Best wishes, Gijs

Roberto Silvotti wrote:
> Hi all,
> We would like to suggest to add, in the Standard Star Catalog, all the 
> Stetson standards (currently only those in SA92,95,98,101,104,107,110 
> and 113 are present). Although the reason of this choice is clear 
> ("coherence" with the Preliminary Catalog **prepared with the INT 
> data), we think that adding  all the (good) standards available would 
> be very useful.
> For instance, we have WFI data for which service mode observations 
> were performed in the field RU149, which is not in the  AW Standard 
> Star Catalog. In order to be able to run AWE, we were forced to add 
> these standards modifying the Standard Star Catalog.
> Although  creating and using a "personal"  Standard Star Catalog is 
> foreseen in AWE, standard recipes do not support user defined catalog. 
> So the easiest solution is to give to the new catalog the same name 
> (cal569E_v10.cat).
> However,  we find that this solution is not good because, for future 
> large projects in collaboration with other AW nodes (such as KIDS), it 
> is much better that all the partners have and use the same Standard 
> Star Catalog, in order to avoid possible inhomogeneous standard 
> calibrations.
> Therefore, adding all the available Stetson standards in the AW 
> Standard Star Catalog seems the best thing to do.
> Cheers,
> Roberto
> ----------------------------------------
>         Dr. Roberto Silvotti
> ----------------------------------------
> INAF (Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica)
> Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte
> via Moiariello 16, I-80131 Napoli, Italy
> ----------------------------------------
> tel/fax:  +39-081-5575583/456710
> e-mail:   silvotti at na.astro.it
> web:    http://www.na.astro.it/~silvotti
> ----------------------------------------
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|dr Gijs Verdoes Kleijn         |   postal address:                |
|e-mail: verdoes at astro.rug.nl   |   Kapteyn Astronomical Institute |
|www: www.astro.rug.nl/~verdoes |   PO Box 800, 8700 AV, Groningen |
|tel: +31-50-3638326            |   The Netherlands                |
|mobile: +31-654658050          |                                  |

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