[Issues] make_from_dictionary_on_associates in AssociateList

Hugo Buddelmeijer buddel at astro.rug.nl
Mon Nov 5 14:42:43 CET 2007


I've got some external associations, which I would like to use in 
Astro-WISE. I noticed there is planned functionality for this, namely 
the make_from_dictionary_on_associates function in the AssociateList 
class. However, this function is (still?) empty. Is there an 'ETA' for 
when this feature will be implemented?

In particular I have associations for the external SourceLists of SDSS 
(SLID 61804) and UKIDSS-LAS (130271), who already have been associated 
by the UKIDSS people. We can (and probably will) do the association 
again in Astro-WISE itself, but at any rate it would be nice to have 
theirs as a reference as well (e.g. to see if we can do better).

Greetings, Hugo

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