[Issues] GASTROM: ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to external procedure agent, ORA-02393: exceeded call limit on CPU usage

Philippe Heraudeau heraud at astro.uni-bonn.de
Fri Sep 21 16:25:22 CEST 2007

Hi ,

I don't know what are these error messages. Could you please help?

This worked:
# 32 chips

This fails:
# 32 * 8 chips
[foucault] 14:15:17 - [node199] 13:48:48 - Using SourceList 
SLID = 193791, number of sources =   313
[foucault] 14:15:17 - [node199] 13:48:48 - Using SourceList 
SLID = 192251, number of sources =   313
[foucault] 14:15:17 - [node199] 13:48:48 - Using SourceList 
SLID = 193341, number of sources =   166
[foucault] 14:15:17 - [node199] 13:48:48 - Using SourceList 
SLID = 192351, number of sources =   247
[foucault] 14:15:17 - [node199] 13:48:59 - Outer bounding box: 
[foucault] 14:15:17 - [node199] 13:49:26 - Copied 78254 sources to 
scratch table
[foucault] 14:15:17 - Error executing 'execute'
[foucault] 14:15:17 - Exception:  ORA-28576: lost RPC connection to 
external procedure agent
[foucault] 14:15:17 -
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 174, in main
[foucault] 14:15:17 -     job.execute()
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 138, in execute
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 177, in make_global_astrometric_solution
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 80, in make
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 179, in make_associate
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 145, in make
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 200, in associate_sourcelists
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 1617, in make_matched_associatelist
[foucault] 14:15:17 - Error pickling job
[foucault] 14:15:17 - Exception:  can't pickle function objects
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
line 191, in main
[foucault] 14:15:17 -     pjob = pickle.dumps(job)
[foucault] 14:15:17 -   File 
"/home/rugwn201/omegacen/local/x86_64/lib/python2.3/copy_reg.py", line 
69, in _reduce_ex
[foucault] 14:15:17 -     raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % 

And with the same command I aslo got another error message:
[foucault] 16:23:20 - [node199] 16:09:48 - Using SourceList 
SLID = 193271, number of sources =   381
[foucault] 16:23:20 - [node199] 16:09:58 - Outer bounding box: 
[foucault] 16:23:20 - [node199] 16:10:17 - Copied 78254 sources to 
scratch table
[foucault] 16:23:20 - Error executing 'execute'
[foucault] 16:23:20 - Exception:  ORA-02393: exceeded call limit on CPU 
[foucault] 16:23:20 -
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 174, in main
[foucault] 16:23:20 -     job.execute()
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 138, in execute
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 177, in make_global_astrometric_solution
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 80, in make
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 179, in make_associate
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 145, in make
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 200, in associate_sourcelists
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 1617, in make_matched_associatelist
[foucault] 16:23:20 - Error pickling job
[foucault] 16:23:20 - Exception:  can't pickle function objects
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
line 191, in main
[foucault] 16:23:20 -     pjob = pickle.dumps(job)
[foucault] 16:23:20 -   File 
"/home/rugwn201/omegacen/local/x86_64/lib/python2.3/copy_reg.py", line 
69, in _reduce_ex
[foucault] 16:23:20 -     raise TypeError, "can't pickle %s objects" % 
[foucault] 16:23:20 -

Dr. Philippe Heraudeau
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie Email: heraudeau at astro.uni-bonn.de
Auf dem Hügel 71                   Tel.: +49 (0)228 733673
D-53121 Bonn                       Fax.: +49 (0)228 731775

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