[Issues] AstrometricParametersTask Error

Chien-Hsiu Lee chlee at usm.lmu.de
Fri Feb 4 11:56:35 CET 2011

Dear AWE users,

I had a problem performing Astrometry on WFI data and was wondering if  
anyone had the same error. The error message can be reproduced as  

awe> ast=AstrometricParameters()
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
"/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/common/database/DBMeta.py", line  
301, in __call__
     return self.database.get_instance(self, *args, **kwargs)
"/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/common/database/DBOracle.py", line  
293, in get_instance
     result.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
"/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/AstrometricParameters.py", line  
282, in __init__
     self.refsl = ImportSourceList(Name=USNO_NAME, Area=range)
   File "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",  
line 2010, in ImportSourceList
     import_range = Area_To_HTM_Ranges(depth = 9, Area = Area)
   File "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",  
line 2691, in Area_To_HTM_Ranges
     raise Exception, 'Area_To_HTM_Ranges: do not comprehend Area argument!'
Exception: Area_To_HTM_Ranges: do not comprehend Area argument!

The AWBASE we are using is checked-out on 2011.02.03.

Chien-Hsiu Lee

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