[Issues] AstrometricParametersTask Error

John P. McFarland mcfarland at astro.rug.nl
Thu Feb 10 15:11:10 CET 2011

Dear Chien-Hsiu,

The FIXME below is merely an optimization and has nothing to do with this.

It appears you are using the AWBASE version of the code, and with that code 
I do not get any errors.  I also tried various other configurations and see 
no problem.  Can you send me an example of a frame where the 
AstrometricParametersTask fails so I can try it myself?  Thanks.



On Thu, 10 Feb 2011, Chien-Hsiu Lee wrote:

> Dear John,
> Below you can find the version of the SourceList.py and 
> AstrometricParameters.py we are using:
> SourceList.py: Revision: 1.212
> AstrometricParameters.py: Revision: 1.153
> And there is a FIXME comment in the AstrometricParameters.py which could be 
> related to this error:
>       # FIXME Only need to figure out best way to get 'Area'
>       ## Get the USNO catalog directly from the database
>       #usno_default_values = {'Xpos'   : -1,
>       #                       'Ypos'   : -1,
>       #                       'PosErr' : 1.0/3600,
>       #                       'A'      : -4.20118523,
>       #                       'B'      : -4.20118523,
>       #                       'Theta'  : 0.}
>       #usnosl_to_ldac_dict = {'A'         : 'A_WCS',
>       #                       'B'         : 'B_WCS',
>       #                       'POSANG'    : 'THETAWCS',
>       #                       'FLAG'      : 'Flag',
>       #                       'RA'        : 'Ra',
>       #                       'SID'       : 'SeqNr',
>       #                       'USNO_BMAG' : 'Mag',
>       #                       'DEC'       : 'Dec',
>       #                       'USNO_RMAG' : 'Mag2'}
>       #usno_needed_column_names = usnosl_to_ldac_dict.keys()
>       #refsl = (SourceList.name == 'USNO Catalog').max('SLID')
>       #refsl.make_ldac_catalog_on_sources(name=outcat, Area=..., 
> attr_list=usno_needed_column_names, rename_dict=usnosl_to_ldac_dict)
> I tried to reduce the WFI data from scratch, and this error only occurs in 
> the Astrometry task.
> Thanks and all the best,
> Chien-Hsiu Lee
> Quoting "John P. McFarland" <mcfarland at astro.rug.nl>:
>> Dear Chien-Hsiu,
>> I have been unable to reproduce your error.  Do you still get it with the 
>> most recent checkout?  Are there other circumstances where this error 
>> occurs?
>> Cheers,
>> -=John
>> John P. McFarland
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> OmegaCEN/NOVA/Target PostDoc/Scientific Programmer
>> Kapteyn Instituut, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
>> Landleven 12 (Zernikeborg)
>> 9747 AD Groningen
>> The Netherlands
>>                p: Postbus 800
>>                   9700 AV Groningen
>>                   The Netherlands
>>                e: <mcfarland at astro.rug.nl>
>>                o: 0147 Zernikeborg (5419)
>>                t: +31 (0)50 363 8326
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> On Fri, 4 Feb 2011, Chien-Hsiu Lee wrote:
>>> Dear AWE users,
>>> I had a problem performing Astrometry on WFI data and was wondering if
>>> anyone had the same error. The error message can be reproduced as
>>> following:
>>> awe> ast=AstrometricParameters()
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>>> File
>>> "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/common/database/DBMeta.py", line
>>> 301, in __call__
>>>   return self.database.get_instance(self, *args, **kwargs)
>>> File
>>> "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/common/database/DBOracle.py", line
>>> 293, in get_instance
>>>   result.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
>>> File
>>> "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/AstrometricParameters.py", 
>>> line
>>> 282, in __init__
>>>   self.refsl = ImportSourceList(Name=USNO_NAME, Area=range)
>>> File "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",
>>> line 2010, in ImportSourceList
>>>   import_range = Area_To_HTM_Ranges(depth = 9, Area = Area)
>>> File "/afs/ipp/home/c/chlee/opipe/AWBASE/astro/main/SourceList.py",
>>> line 2691, in Area_To_HTM_Ranges
>>>   raise Exception, 'Area_To_HTM_Ranges: do not comprehend Area argument!'
>>> Exception: Area_To_HTM_Ranges: do not comprehend Area argument!
>>> The AWBASE we are using is checked-out on 2011.02.03.
>>> Best,
>>> Chien-Hsiu Lee
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