[Issues] Groningen Dataservers down!

Kor Begeman kgb at astro.rug.nl
Mon Oct 6 23:22:18 CEST 2014

Dear Astro-Wiser

The Groningen Dataservers are down until further notice.
We will inform you a.s.a.p. when the situation changes.


---------- Doorgestuurd bericht ----------
Van: "Teeninga, R." <r.teeninga at rug.nl>
Datum: 6 okt. 2014 22:48
Onderwerp: Unplanned downtime gpfs2
Aan: <TARGET at list.rug.nl>
Cc: "Hans Gankema" <j.a.gankema at rug.nl>, "O.R. Williams" <
o.r.williams at rug.nl>

Dear target users,

This evening the storage servers lost the fibre connection to the storage
this causes an unreachable gpfs2 filesystem. We are now trying to solve
this issue.
We will send an update if we have more information.


Robin Teeninga & WIetze Albers
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