[Issues] Groningen millipede cluster downtime

Ewout Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Fri Mar 13 16:21:38 CET 2015

Hi everyone,

The CIT sent an update about the situation, here it is:

Dear users,

After investigations cooling-experts believed they have found the 
problem. Something was wrong with the controllers of the waterpomps that 
service the cooling-machines. No stabel water input means no stable cooling.

For this weekend millipede (and other HPC-cluster at landleven-rekenhal) 
remain offline/down. Next monday there will be a meeting to discuss this 
cooling issue, and when all is okay we will put millipede back online.

Millipede login-node and /data are not effected by this. You can still 
login/get to your data. But all compute-nodes are switched off and you 
cannot submit any jobs.

Ewout Helmich

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