[Issues] Groningen Peregrine cluster down

Ewout Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Wed Apr 26 16:24:19 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

There are problems with Peregrine, below is an update from the CIT.

Ewout Helmich


Dear Peregrine-users,

At the moment the Peregrine-cluster is still offline. The reason is an
extended filecheck on the metadata-servers, in order to get the /home
partition online again. We do not have a clear idea however how much
more time this check is going to take, but have decided to extend our
maintenance it for at least the entire day tomorrow (Koningsdag). After
that we will decide whether other measures should be taken.

We once again apologize for the inconvenience, and we will keep you
informed on progress

Best regards

Wim Nap


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