[Issues] Groningen Peregrine cluster down

Ewout Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Mon Mar 13 09:57:51 CET 2017

Dear users,

The Peregrine compute cluster in Groningen is down, apparently because
of a broken switch. See the mail below. I will relay further updates.

Ewout Helmich

Dear Peregrine users,

Our current conclusion is that the main ethernet switch of the cluster
is broken. 
This switch is used to connect the cluster to the main scheduler
service, the software storage area and to the outside world. Without
this switch the cluster can currently not be used.

We are discussing with Dell, the supplier of the switch, how to solve
the issue.

We will keep you updated when we know more details about the actions
that will be taken.

Kind regards,

Fokke Dijkstra

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