[Issues] Peregrine downtime

Ewout Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Mon Oct 23 15:14:03 CEST 2017

Hi everyone,

Please note that the Peregrine cluster will suffer downtime the coming
days. See the CIT message below.

Kind regards,
Ewout Helmich


Dear users,

The datacentre at DUO where the Peregrine-cluster is running will
perform maintenance on their entire power-infrastructure from the 23rd
till the 27th of October.

This will lead to a powerloss for the entire Peregrine-cluster on the
25th and the 26th of October. The cluster will be brought down the day
before, on the 24th, at 16:00 and if all goes well will be back up on
the 26th from 09:00 in the morning.

We will keep you informed on progress, and apologize for the inconvenience

Do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions

Kind regards,

Wim Nap


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