[News] Action Items as of 03/06/03

Danny R. Boxhoorn danny@astro.rug.nl
Tue, 3 Jun 2003 11:48:25 +0200


Here is the updated list of action items following the June 2, 2003 telecon.
It is also available via the Astro-Wise homepage under `Agenda'.



ACTION ITEMS -|- Updated  2 Jun '03
 2 Jun '03: Present - RRe, MNe, RSi, EBe, FMa, EVa, DBo
12 Jun '03: Next telecon

The format consists of:
- "AI"
- The initial + first two letters of the surname of the person who is assigned
  to the action.
- Year/Month/Day with each part in two decimals.

"AI ALL" means that the action is on everyone.

+ = AI is closed


The initial list has been compiled from

31 October 2002 - Meeting @ ASTRO-WISE Course
   January 2003 - Munich GUI/Quality Control Meeting
all previous telekons

Closed Action items are removed from list

AI RR/EV/local contacts/ 02/06/03  Deadlines for AI related to scooping of work are all set on 1/7. At that date we will prepare an overall schedule for Awe tasks (and in fact also for OmegaCAM tasks - following current DMD interactions) 

AI EV/AG/MN 02/06/03 Prepare common AstroWise/OmegaCAM/VST response to Benoit Pirenne's note on data transfer ESO to consortia we expect in the near future. 

AI RRe/EVa 02/06/03 (Telecon 2/6/03)
    Roeland and Edwin will go to VST/IF meeting in Napoli to discuss commissioning, 
	but some prior "recognition of ESO is required"

AI RRe/ALL 02/06/03 (Telecon 2/6/03)
    Users of the Astro-Wise Environment should send a list of  tools they would
    like to see before 1 Jul '03 to Roeland. Environment tools are mostly db access type of tools like "delete all entries related to my tests of this afternoon".

AI RRe 02/06/03 (Telecon 2/6/03)
    Contact ESO (Michele or Yves Jung) about status of Eclipse and possibility to feed
    our changes to Eclipse back to the main Eclipse branch again.
    Check out the possibility to introduce FFT in eclipse for flat field pipeline.
AI EBe/RSi 02/06/03 (Telecon 2/6/03)
    Distribute URL + short description of Terapix QC web interface.
    RSi check it out.

AI EBe 03/04/03 (Telecon 3/4/03)
    Draw schedule for implementation of the visualisation tool/ to be coordinated with current Awe prototype. Indicate what will be done before and after 1 november 03.

AI EBe 03/04/03 (Telecon 3/4/03)
    Add support to Swarp for other output reference pixels than the center
    pixel of an image. This is required to separate the resampling from the

AI DBo 03/04/03 (Telecon 3/4/03) Deadline 15/06/03
    Write 10-step howto describing setup of database, fileserver,
    parallel processing components and commands needed to reduce
    calibration and science data with all those components activated.

AI RRe 10/02/03  (from the Munich GUI/Quality Control Meeting and evolved at later meetings)
    Quality Control.  
    The definitions of what constitutes acceptable data following each processing step needs to be made concrete.
    A list of desirable checks will be made. 
    Next, algorithms will be specified.   
    Lists and suggestions for algorithms by our next meeting (see below:  ~June 2003).
    Roeland will coordinate this and assign persons to tasks. 
    The overview and specifications should be ready before 1/7/03.

AI DBo + MPa 10/02/03  (from the Munich GUI/Quality Control Meeting)
    Automatic CVS updates for the pipeline.  
    [OAC will provide a script for this]
    Related to this, although not a priority at the moment, is the desire
    to have the pipeline installation streamlined into a single tar-ball
    and a single install script.  Currently the installation is too
    cumbersome.  This, however, can wait until a more mature stage in its
    development is reached.
  Update: Danny will come up with a proposal.
  Update: Danny will contact Mike about the scripts.

AI RRe 10/02/03  (from the Munich GUI/Quality Control Meeting)
    Finalize the full list of attributes that need to be assigned to each
    OBJECT.  This list will go to the ADD.
  Update: See the following comment from Edwin
    "Very important indeed. A further specification of table 1.1 in ADD is
    desirable. This is a key issue indeed and is
    a key for all short Python scripts  (5LS) we think users could write to ask
    complicated questions (opposed to the GUI stuff)."
  Update: Roeland will make a list while we are gaining experience from
    processing WFI data. All Awe members are supposed to provide input.

AI ALL 10/02/03  (from the Munich GUI/Quality Control Meeting)
    Provide feedback and additional text to pipeline installation and
    use (see "Manual.tex" and "README" in CVS).
    [All AW members are responsible for this]

AI ALL 31/10/02
    The first version of the ADD should be released (Edwin) 1/7/03

AI Roeland, Danny 31/10/02
    An implementation plan, splitting the design of the various WP into
    specific tasks to be distributed over various AstroWise persons
    should be made for WP1, WP2 (tools, not Visualization, as this is
    already defined) and WP3.
    Roeland will do this for WP1, Danny and Edwin for WP3, and NN for WP2.
    This will go into the new schedule to be made before 1/7/03.

AI OAC 31/10/02
   review and upgrade present recipes for calibration pipeline (bias, FF,
   fringing) as far as quality control is concerned: check specifications,
   test recipes, contribute to  improve scripts (due 1-3-03).

AI Terapix 31/10/02
   will provide some diagnostic tools for QC

AI USM 31/10/02
   will play guinea-pig for the federated database- WFI data will be used to
   populate a first version.
  Update 15/5/03:
   Mid-June prototype implementations will start.

AI EVa 31/10/02
   AI 3- Valentijn: explain in ADD WP3 text how context is used for
   partitioning and interface to AVO interoperability