[News] minutes telecon 16/10/03

Edwin A. Valentijn valentyn at astro.rug.nl
Mon Nov 3 11:31:03 CET 2003


+ from previous telecon
++ New text resulting from 16/10

+  Edwin reminds that in Q4 of 2003 our milestone is to have all
   classes defined.  When this is finished, Danny's life with updating db
   schemas, syncing with code base etc should become simpler.

++ A workplan for reaching Class definitions of source lists and 
associate list was

++ The private copy  of SLOAN's C++ library for htm was tested; 
unfortunately one of
   the key programmes (dynamically find neighbour trixals) turned out 
not to  match to
   Sloan htm, but to another triangular index. We were told that this 
prograame would
   be matched to Sloan's htm in the near future. NOVA team decided to 
   implementation with other own-made tools in parallel;
   have placeholder for Sloan stuff, and  continue with the full 

++ Erik report on ADASS and interoperability meeting. We should check 
out the webservices
    (After meeting Edwin contacted UK liaison about this)

++ VISTA plans workvisit to Awe OmegaCEN  3/4 december
+  Fjodr + Danny + Joel (Liege) will form STREAMS evaluation task force 
++ (Report expected on next telekon 6/11)

+  We will organize a workvisit here in Groningen, dedicated to
   photometry and flatfielding in the near future. Nightsky flats can be
   discussed during that week.
   It was agreed to have this ASTRO-WISE workfloor gathering during the
   WEEK 17 - 21 November
++ New suggestions for the programme of that week:
      Compare photometry OAC deep field Awe vs OAC
      Overview OAC pipeline work
      Terapix visualization tool
++ Michiel Tempelaar will be local organizer

++ Philippe's reports on flat field (better sky brightness) instability 
were discussed.
   Emmanuel remarked that remaining gradients in sky are modelled in 
SWARP befor
   co-addition and do not pose a problem.
   At this state there is not much we can do (we have to see how 
VST/OmegaCAM behaves),
   and there is no reason to change our data reduction policies.

++ ESO will maintain Eclipse at minimum level (moving over to Standard 
Interface library)
   but OmegaCAM will contractually deliver with C Eclipse-
   We will maintain our own Eclipse and deliver that.

++ Ewout's report of own build ff code was distributed

++ QC doc from OAC arrived during the meeting (Awe mailserver was down)

Closed AIs on QC tools, second de-fringing method, patch to Sextractor, 
USM db guinea-pig, merge manuals in Manual.pdf, FFT put in Eclipse

Action Items

AI Danny 11/09/03
   Formalize procedure for schema-evolution between test and base
   versions of the code
++ see new text in Manual.tex (.pdf) ; Danny will send e-mail soon

AI Roeland 16/10/03
++  Check out the newly installed QC tools
   + New version of Terapix QC sofware will be send to OAC ; OAC will 
check it out.
AI Ronald 11/09/03
   Make top level Dither recipe  (nearly done)

AI Edwin 11/09/03
  Write report on Bias recipes and the found hysteresis in the FIERRAs.
++ Report given at progress meeting; recipes for overscan have already 
been updated

AI RRe (Telecon 25/9/03)
  Coordinate the various masking activities and put this into a stable 
scheme (doc)
++ Proposal was circulated

AI USM (Telecon 24/7/03)
  Add USM cr-program to CVS and provide interface
AI EDe (Telecon 25/9/03)
  Implement  filenaming proposal into  AW
AI DBo +MPa (Updated 25/9/03)
 Define automated installation procedure and put this in doc.

AI RSi and PhH (16/10/03)
   Include photometric calibration into AWe reduction of OAC deep field-
   compare this with OAC results

AI STREAMs group
++ report at next telekon

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