[News] qualityFITS v 1.0

Frederic Magnard magnard at iap.fr
Wed Nov 5 10:58:45 CET 2003

Dear Astro-Wisers,

I announce the release of the version 1.0 of qualityFITS (formerly known as
« derFotron »).
It is a pipeline which works on individual pre-processed images to
produce LDAC source catalogues, weight and flag map, and a summary web page.

It can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.iap.fr/pub/from_users/magnard/qualityFITS/
Two files : 
- qualityfits-1.0.tar.gz : the configure package, to be installed with the
  classic ./configure, make, make install
- qualityfits-1.0-1.i386.rpm : an x86 rpm package (rpm -i file.rpm).

It depends heavily on Terapix-Emmanuel Bertin's software suite: SExtractor,
SWarp, WeightWatcher, Stiff, PSFex, which latest versions can be downloaded
from ftp://kiravix.iap.fr/pub/ (open to IAP's trusted institute networks).

Here are some example of the final output page for various instruments:

Let me know of any failure or success...

Best regards,

Frédéric Magnard -- terapix.iap.fr

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