[News] Skeleton for QC text in Manual.tex

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Fri Jul 9 11:17:14 CEST 2004

Hello everyone,

This mail concerns the quality control groups that have been assembled in
the last two telecons. We agreed to write quality control concepts and any
necessary cookbook type documentation in the user manual (Manual.pdf in
opipe/docs). To this end we have made a couple of placeholder .tex files
(man_qcimpipe.tex, man_qcbiasflat.tex, man_qcastrom.tex, man_qcphotom.tex)
in this directory. In a few comment lines at the top of these files the
groups are specified, and current one-liners of how to handle the QC. Please
update and commit these files if there is any progress.

Keep in mind the following considerations:

- The framework for quality control is through three methods, 'verify',
  'compare' and 'inspect' that are part of all ProcessTargets (calfiles).

- Timestamps are the result of a pass for QC. (not sure if this is relevant
  for any short term implementations)

Ewout Helmich

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