[News] Separating astronomical and common code of Astro-WISE

Ewout M. Helmich helmich at astro.rug.nl
Tue Jan 22 12:02:30 CET 2008

Hi everyone,

The split-up of the Astro-WISE code into a common and astronomical (or 
artificial intelligence) part is essentially complete. The old code, 
located in "opipe" on our CVS server is frozen; no more updates are 
allowed in this directory. The new code is located in the "awe" 
directory; it can be obtained as follows:

cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at cvs.astro-wise.org:/cvsroot login
cvs -d cvs.astro-wise.org:/cvsroot checkout -r AWBASE awe

(omit the -r AWBASE part if you want the latest versions).

At the same time we make the transition to Python 2.5.

The installation at the different Astro-WISE nodes still has to be 
finalized; there will be another mail informing you when this is done.

Here is a list of most of the changes:

astro/database -> common/database
astro/net      -> common/net
astro/main/DataObject -> common/database/DataObject
astro/local    -> common/config + astro/config
astro/recipes  -> astro/filerecipes
DBRecipes      -> astro/recipes
astro/text     -> common/log
astro/math     -> common/math
astro/util     -> common/util + astro/util
Toolbox        -> common/toolbox + astro/toolbox
Services       -> common/services + astro/services

Ewout Helmich


Drs. Ewout Helmich
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute,

Landleven 12
P.O.Box 800
9700 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

email: helmich at astro.rug.nl
tel: +31(0)503634548


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