[News] Context - MyDB across projects

D.R. Boxhoorn danny at astro.rug.nl
Wed Aug 6 16:30:16 CEST 2008

Dear Astro-WISE user,

>From this moment on the new Astro-WISE Context is in place.
In the new version of the Context you can access all your private data within
different projects at the same time. This means that the notion of MyDB now
refers to all your private data in all projects. For existing MyDB users this
also means that there is no longer a separate MyDB project having the same
name as the username.

We suggest that you have a look at the new Context how-to


to familiarize yourself with the Context as it is now.

Please do not forget to do a CVS update to get the latest Python code.

Your comments and questions are welcome,

                                                   Willem-Jan and Danny

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