[News] new version of Astro-WISE DBviewer

G. Sikkema sikkema at astro.rug.nl
Wed Dec 8 15:36:15 CET 2010

Dear all,

Today, the former TEST version of the Astro-WISE DBviewer has become the
BASE version.
It can be accessed at:

Main important new features:
-) a generalized SQL query generator (querying an arbitrary number of
levels deep into the object-tree)
-) more user friendly
-) some bugs solved w.r.t. the old version.

We also implemented a 'convert-tool'. This tool should ensure that all
your book-marked links of the old DB viewer are still working. If not,
please send your bookmark to me. (sikkema at astro.rug.nl)

Please report any other bugs or unexpected behaviour.

Gert Sikkema

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