[Issues] inconsistency in anoncvs

Oliver-Mark Cordes ocordes at astro.uni-bonn.de
Thu Nov 2 20:30:02 CET 2006


I just checked out the recent anon cvs version which is incosistent and 
not usable; starting awe gives the following results:

Importing Astro-WISE packages. Please wait...

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/astro/local/startup.py", line 
86, in ?    from DBRecipes.aweimports import *
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/DBRecipes/aweimports.py", line 
6, in ?    from AssociateList import AssociateListTask
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/DBRecipes/AssociateList.py", 
line 5, in ?
     from mods.Task import Task
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/DBRecipes/mods/Task.py", line 1, 
in ?
     from astro.main.ReducedScienceFrame import ReducedScienceFrame
line 14, in ?
     from CosmicMap import CosmicMap
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/astro/main/CosmicMap.py", line 
19, in ?
     from IlluminationCorrectionFrame import IlluminationCorrectionFrame
.py", line 3, in ?
     from astro.main.IlluminationCorrection import IlluminationCorrection
line 8, in ?
     from astro.main.PhotSrcCatalog import PhotSrcCatalog
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/astro/main/PhotSrcCatalog.py", 
line 15, in ?
     from astro.main.Catalog import Catalog
   File "/home/ocordes/astrowise/cvs/opipe/astro/main/Catalog.py", line 6, 
in ?
     from astro.main.BaseCatalog import BaseCatalog, derive_seeing, 
ImportError: cannot import name select_stars

If I check out with my account ocordes I get a running version. What I 
found is that astro/main/Catalog.py is different. The "running" version 
has the version number 1.60 the non-running version 1.55 . Please fix this 
as soon as possible, because I need both version in a consistent state !!!


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