[Issues] Groningen dataservers available again

Kor Begeman kor at begeman.info
Wed Nov 6 14:50:22 CET 2013

Dear Astro-Wiser,

The issues with the underlying storage of the Groningen dataservers
have been resolved.
These dataservers have just been started again.
So you can start working again.

Danny & Kor

K. Begeman (thuis)
Wildervanck 31
9611 SH Sappemeer
The Netherlands
Telefoon: 0598-324433 (thuis), 0625344134 (mobiel), 050-3632454/4073 (werk)
e-Mail privé:  kor at begeman.eu, kor at begeman.net, kor at begeman.info,
kgbegeman at gmail.com, k.begeman at home.nl, kgb at debeeg.nl,
kgbegeman at speedymail.org
e-Mail werk: kgb at astro.rug.nl, k.begeman at rug.nl
WWW privé:  http://www.begeman.eu, http://www.begeman.info/,
http://www.begeman.net/, http://www.debeeg.nl/
WWW werk: http://www.astro.rug.nl/~kgb

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