[News] derfotron v0.3

Frederic Magnard magnard at iap.fr
Sat Jul 12 14:48:54 CEST 2003

Dear Astro-Wisers,

I announce the first release of the « derFotron », v0.3.
It is a pre-pipeline which works on individual pre-processed images to
produce LDAC source catalogues, weight and flag map, and a summary web page.

It can be downloaded at ftp://ftp.iap.fr/pub/from_users/magnard/derfotron
Three files : 
- derfotron-0.3.tgz       : the derfotron scripts and config files : untar
                            and read README
- diag_bin-0.1-1.i386.rpm : rpm for diag_bin, used by the derFotron.
- diag_bin-0.1.tar.gz     : source code for diag_bin (./configure; make;
                            make install) (unnecessary if you used the rpm)

Here is an example of the final output page :

It has been working fine on CFH12K and MegaCam images, but is quite
sensitive to header keywords. Let me know of any failure or success...

Best regards,

Frédéric Magnard.

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