[News] responsibilities and bugs

Roeland Rengelink rengelin at strw.LeidenUniv.nl
Wed Sep 24 17:26:11 CEST 2003

Here's an updated version of the list send previously

A list of people with their responsibilities:

Danny Boxhoorn    - DB management, persistence IF, cvs, Oracle
Kor Begeman       - HTM, Sassociate
Michiel Tempelaar - PL-SQL
Ewout Helmich     - Flatfielding en de-fringing
Ronald Verheij    - Photometric Pipeline, High-level recipes,
Erik Deul         - Parallelization, data server, LDAC, astrometry
Roeland Rengelink - Pipelines, image processing, low-level IFs,

Emmanuel Bertin   - Swarp/sextractor, visualisation tool, panorapix

Jan Snigula       - Photometric redshifts, USM DB/federation
Mark Neeser       - Cosmic Ray removal

Alfredo Volpicelli- Quality Control

In addition we have assigned people for developing and verifying the
recipes from the OmegaCAM Calibration Plan and Data Reduction

      Calibration Task     Writer         Verifier
req521 CCD read Noise     Danny          Kor
req522 Hot Pixels         Danny          Danny
req523 CCD Gain           Roeland	 Kor
req524 EM Compat.         -- see req524
req531 Dark Current       Danny          Erik
req532 Particle Events    -- see req531
req533 CCD Linearity      -- see req523
req534 Charge Tr. Eff.    TBD
req535 Cold Pixels        Erik           Danny
req536 Hysteresis         TBD
req541 Bias               Roeland        Danny
req542 Dome Flat          Roeland        Erik
req543 Twilight Flat      Roeland        Kor
req544 Night Sky Flat     Ewout          Roeland
req545 Finge Flat (RR) .  Ewout          Roeland
req546 Master Flat        Ewout          Erik
req547 Quick Check        Erik           Roeland
req548 illum corr.        Ronald         TBD
req554 PSF anisotr.       Roeland        TBD
req561 Shutter            Erik           Edwin
req562 PhotCal  Monitor   Ronald         Roeland
req563 PhotCal  Key       Ronald         Roeland
req564 PhotCal  User      Ronald         TBD
req565 PhotCal  Key-user  Ronald         TBD

Image Pipeline (seq631-seq636) Roeland

I would like to ask you to report bugs, issues, and/or feature
requests to the person responsible for the relevant part of the code
base. This person will take appropriate action, and inform you about
it. Use the previous lists to identify this person. If you don't know
whom to send a bug report, send it to either Danny (DB-issues), Erik
(Parallelization, data-server) or me (pipeline, image processing)

A note about terminology:

- A failure in astrometry because the reference catalog can't be
   accessed or because the LDAC configuration parameters are
   inappropriate would be a BUG (i.e. error). We will address these ASAP

- The fact that astrometry fails in some cases when there are too few
   reference object is an ISSUE (i.e. missing functionality, while the
   design implies it can/should be present). We address these in order
   of priority

- To do astrometric calibration in very crowded fields would need a
   FEATURE REQUEST (i.e. the current design does not specify this
   capability). We will only address these if we have time (i.e. not)

When reporting bugs:

- Report the bug to only one person, so that it is very clear who
   is responsible for resolving it

- Provide as much detail as possible. If possibble provide
   instructions on how to reproduce the bug.

- Most of you (should) have CVS write access. If you think you
   have found a fix for a bug, just commit it. This will
   occasionally break something, but that's OK. Really.

- If you submit a bug, please also run the unit tests, and report
   any problems you see there. If possible, add a unit test that
   demonstrates the bug.

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