[News] New ingest procedure

R. Vermeij ronald at astro.rug.nl
Mon Mar 6 12:28:51 CET 2006

Dear users,

  A new "Ingest.py" script has been committed to CVS that in important 
ways differs from the old one.
  The new ingest script will bring any "random" data inserted into the 
Astro-Wise system more in line
  with the OmegaCAM calibration plan. This will facilitate future data 
processing, especially in the
  photometric pipeline.

  The new ingest script will automatically create and assign 
ObservingBlock/Template objects to the
  input images (for any instrument other than OmegaCAM, of course). 
Based on these OBs/Templates,
  the Astro-Wise system will be able to distinguish between, e.g. 
regular science data and observations
  of photometric standard fields. For the user, this will mean the 
following :

   1)  The data is now ingested NOT based on their type (e.g. bias, 
twilight flat, etc), but on their intended
         PURPOSE (e.g. biases for deriving a read noise vs. biases for 
deriving a master bias).  This might
         need some getting used to.

   2)  For the time being, data for any specific purpose should be 
ingested as a whole, not in parts.  The
        smallest unit of data to ingest for any particular purpose is 
data for ONE observing night.

   For more information about these new developments see the "Ingest" 
HowTo on http://www.astro-wise.org/portal/.
   Related to this, is the HowTo on scheduling your observations for 
Astro-Wise compliancy. Both are required reading.

Yours sincerely,

  Ronald Vermeij

Groningen, The Netherlands

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